Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pictures, whut?

I was just asked to post a recent pic of myself..LOL
umm.. not my favourite thing to do... but here is me and Rob this weekend after his race...

I am so NOT photogenic....blech!  but I did it for him! LOL

And this is my sorry ass in Punta Cana at the beginning of March - only 2 weeks before I decided to smarten up!
mmhmmm...my Fire Captain friend Stephanie on the left- super buff, and my friend Lisa on the right- slim and then there is me , the fat kid with the lines on my neck where the fat hung down and didn't see the sun...
this picture did it for me... I needed to change..and do it right now!

so the journey began....

Week 9-Results!!!!

Ok the numbers after last week...

weight 206.4
loss 31.6
BMI 41.0
Gym - 3 strength training and 2 cardio days

This week has been an inspirational week for me.

My man Rob ran his first 5 KM race in 27 mins!!!!

We were all cheering him on! So very proud of him!

My friend Katie did her very first Marathon!!!!!You HAVE to read this story!!!!
She is amazing!  She has transformed herself into a machine over these past two years and it took until 10 weeks ago for me to get up off the couch and stop just reading her posts and get off my ass....
I waited at the finish line for her but SHE WAS TOO FAST!!!!! LOL....I tried to find her to congratulate her but it was just too hectic and soooo many people. I knew I was there, and I watched her in amazement.

As for me.... weight is still dropping. :)..so i'm happy about that...you'd think that it would be faster with all the sweat and stink i can produce, but i'm ok with slow and steady!

I went to Sport Check and although I had to buy XL, I still bought shorts and tshirts and bras (under armour...if you work out, you need these..)...and they fit me!!! It's still difficult to wrap my brain around it but I am starting to see the changes a little. And the fact that I wasn't at addition elle (the fat lady store).....makes me happy!

I have discovered that I HATE looking in the mirror... today I was with Katie doing a few weights and she had us looking in the mirror while we did them, it was all I could do to not run away....not sure when I'll get over that part but to be honest, on a daily basis, I look in the mirror to make sure that the shit is out of my eyes and my ponytail is not crooked...that's it...
But several times I have been asked to "look at (my) form" in the mirror ...and I look a lot bigger than I feel...I think that's why I avoid the mirrors...someday, I hope to proud of what I see, not just what the numbers say.

I began week 10 on Friday so I will keep you apprised of my latest updates. I think I might try running outside. It is much different than the treadmill and if I want to get ready for my first 5km Army Run, then I best be practicing properly.

Have a great week...congratulations to all the runners that participated int he Ottawa Race weekend... reports of over 30, 0000 people ran in various runs...it's awe inspiring and I hope to be as good as them someday!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

so this is my new profile pic on Facebook...
it hurts..
it definitely takes time..
i am dedicated...
i have willpower....
i am making healthy decisions....
i a sacrificing a lot.. money, time with family...
i am pushing my body like it has never been pushed before...

week 8...
weight 209
29 lbs lost
31 inches gone from head to toe!
BMI is 41.2 (was 49.8)
training everyday except for weekends I work...

i have been frustrated because i get weighed in after 2 hours of training and they tell me i've gone up a lb, sometimes more... i even cried in the truck one day....
but then on my rest days i weigh in and i've lost 5 lbs..
my councillors at Herbal Magic tell me that it is the "tear and repair" issues with strength training, and try to have me focus on my lowered BMI or inches lost...
it doesn't make sense and for someone who is number focused, i am not trying to focus on the weight, rather on the way i feel and my gaining strength... but it's hard...
i NEED the numbers to go down.. this, unfortunately is how i stay motivated...

but overall i am pleased and doing the very best i can everyday to make sure i reach my goals...
people criticize that i am working too hard, or doing too  much...
but i do what i can and rest when i have too...

it's a journey and balance is the one thing i know i have to work on...
but i feel amazing and am proud of myself for the the first time is a very long time...

week number 9.. HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

i am starting my 7th week with my weight loss journey, and i am full steam ahead...

the month of may this year is going to be a monumental one...
i am applying at the fire department and getting ready for one of the biggest adventures of my life....both mentally and physically...i have a lot to prove to myself and i feel amazing and proud for the first time in my entire life...

i go to the gym at least 4 times a week, i am trying all kinds of different things and feeling pain in parts of my body that i never knew could feel pain... lol...it's crazy to think that this is my life...
i used to be that person that watched Biggest Loser with a bowl of popcorn and a diet Coke... now I "am" that person...less the popcorn and pop...

i have cut a lot of things out of my diet, not because i HAVE to, rather because i want to...like aspartame that will just eventually make us all stupid.... and refined sugars which are a killer for people with Diabetes....baby steps... i can only do one thing at a time, let it be my new normal and then tackle something else...

i was having a hard time at night this week with hunger issues, but instead of eating anything and everything i could get my hands on, i tried almonds, walnuts and sometime just a bowl of strawberries did the trick...i know i really shouldn't eat the sweet stuff at night, but again, baby steps...it's a much better choice than anything i would have done in the past.

so off i go.. lucky week number 7... i have successfully lost 2.5 bags of potatoes....

i have to stop at our corporate uniform store too because i have to change my work pants... people commented yesterday that i had droopy bum again...and get this!! i put on a work shirt from 2004! size 17 neck! i haven't done that since before I was pregnant with Grace...
it's the little things that get me excited...

you know what doesn't get me excited? droopy boobs... good grief....why is it i can tighten every muscle in my body but the boobs turn into long tube sicks with knobs on the end? *sigh*

i have received some pretty fantastic emails from my friends telling how proud they are of me, and that they are happy "old" happy Dorrie is back in town....( i try to ignore the old part...lol).....i still have a long road ahead, but it's definitely the encouragement from others and kinds words that get me through each successful day....
i love you
and i thank you