Sunday, June 10, 2012

a little anxiety

well the time has come to start clearing out the closet...

i haven't fit in some of these clothes for at least 2 sizes but i am afraid to actually take them out of the house.
i thought about it last night...
what if i fall off the wagon again?
what if i need them again?
what if i can't do this anymore and i just gave all my clothes away?


seriously...seriously anxious about my abilities, doubting myself and my determination to get to my goal weight and pass the firefighter physical....
i had a really hard time sleeping last night..
i left the clothes on the floor and didn't even bother to fold them up... i stepped over them this morning as i got ready to head to the gym for my cardio workout... just stepped over them and feared touching them...

then i got to the gym...
i was alone in the gym for most of my workout and really when nobody is watching, and i have no one to have an imaginary race against, i imagine i could slack a little...
but today was a test.. a test of will, a test of determination...

ear phones in and after a few stretches, i jumped on the treadmill and decided i would run without stopping for 30 minutes...i had only ever done it once and i was really angry so i would speed up and be ridiculous and then slow down, then sprint again.... it was brutal on my legs the next day but my distance was good (5km)
so i figured it would take 6-7 songs on my iPod....and with no one watching i started...
at the end of 30 mins i managed to complete 2.6 miles (which after converting it is about 4.2 km)...i was legs were finished and i had to really push it out the last couple of minutes but my pace never changed...steady 4.4 --> which is not fast by any  means but i never slowed down, even when i wanted to.
then i did 30 mins of stretching and ab work...and then i was spent.

i came home, dropped my bag at the door and walked upstairs and folded all the clothes up on the floor and packaged them up...
i'm ready now...

i can do this...

i don't know why i doubt myself all the time...
i'm a strong and stubborn old lady...but being fat for such a long time, loosing a bit of weight, gaining it back over and over again is an emotional nightmare...
it plays games with my self esteem...

today i went alone, i worked out alone, i ran the farthest and longest i've done in a long time...
i'm ok...

hello size 16!!!! lol


Kataroo said...

I don't know why...but I cried reading this one...I am proud of you...its not the weight loss (but yeah to that too LOL)...its the strength it takes to fight your own inner demons, the ones that one to hold you are kicking their ass and you are starting to fly! You are STRONG, You are CAPABLE, You are Wonderful :)

PS. I was terrified to give away my bigger clothes too...the last time I did I gained all the weight back...not this time...not this time..I am stronger and I am LIVING LIFE! no going back Dorrie :)

Anonymous said...

Love you both so much and you both are so inspiring! You are Women and I hear your Roar!!!!