Friday, June 29, 2012

Time Flies....

i can't believe it's already been almost 3 weeks since my last confession ,!
it might be that I have read the 50 Shades of Grey series 3 times and can't seem to put the books down...

time has been flying by and without a word of a lie, everyday brings a different challenge....
if you've ever tried to get your life back in order and lose weight and be healthy, some days just waking up and wanting to be successful that day is a challenge...

some of my challenges right now are my body pains...knees are the worst....i work out and then they have to get iced...dr says it's because i've lost the "buffer" or fat in my knees and they are getting used to being worked hard...

and i recently spent an entire day at the Civic Hospital with some major chest pains and nausea...pretty scary, right?

tuesday i was concerned because i was awake at 2am from the pressure i felt in my upper chest....i  have never had chest pains before and my last chest workout had been on the friday before, so i went to work and decided that i really need to take care of this...turns out after 3 ecg's and blood work, the doctor (who I must say was very very very handsome) said that he could tell i was working out because my chest and back were pretty tight (giggle) and that he felt it was just real health risks... he checked my blood sugar and it was completely normal...he checked everything and everything was on point....he said that he reviewed my chart and had seen my past battle with meningitis and the issues i had related to it and (tia with droopy face and loss of movement on my right side, loss of hearing, diabetic crashes, high blood pressure, back pains and memory loss) and was shocked that i was THAT person...but said that i was proof that if you work hard enough, you get where you need to be and that my pains were proof i was working that area out...LOL
i was happy...

so back to the gym I went on wednesday and did a complete chest workout and i felt great afterwards....
sweaty...but great!
(and grey...good lord i look old!)

 but look what happens when you wash the sweat

not a huge fan of the pictures but i figure, i should put a few progress ones here and there...(maybe i'll get someone to take a body shot next time...if i'm brave enough)

in other news, i officially registered for my first 5km race...and I use the term "race" quite loosely actually.. it's my first 5km challenge...i'm running to say i did it.. i have no desire to be a long distance runner but i would like to say that i did it at least once... so I am trying the Army Run in September....and we'll see how that plans for anything else, except for the 9-run-run 3km in October. (they don't have a 5km)...and I'll never be ready for a 10km....

so we have passed week 11, 12, and finishing week was officially 3 months ago on March 23rd that i decided to live my life the best way i could and so far....i'm pretty happy with the results.... i don't see it yet, maybe i never will... but i know my clothes don't fit, and i don't take insulin so that part has made it's reality check...the rest will come i imagine... 

current weight that's 46lbs
total inches lost head to toe...37.5
current BMI is 38.6

oh and i told my councillor at Herbal Magic that i wanted my 2 friends (Sheri who started a few days before me and has lost 42lbs, and my friend Melinda who just started 2 weeks ago and has lost over 10lbs) and i, that we should be on a poster! ....turns out they will make sure we are...but i have 22 lbs to go and then we will see....
hehehe...Dorrie on a poster for heaven's sake!!!!!!

so here we go....week 14...let's see what tomorrow beings....

Happy Canada Day!


Anonymous said...

Dorrie. I just found your blog and I think you are an absolute inspiration. I had no idea you had gone through so much in your life. I feel a little weepy reading your story. The starts and the stops and you are one very persistent young lady. I am calling Herbal Magic in the morning. I image the bottom half of your transformation is just as beautiful as the top half.
Be proud, be brave and show off!!!! Just show off!!!!!
You are a stunning woman, inside and out.
Warmest regards,
Kathy M xo

Kataroo said...

I had the goosebumps when the dr read your chart and saw all that you had come through, i bet you AMAZED them! PS. you clean up real nice :) PRETTY PRETTY GIRL :)